26-acre residential rehabilitation center boasting amenities to help residents make meaningful progress
Check out the features of our campus
Nexus Neurorecovery Center – Conroe offers a home-like, community environment. The many campus features from state-of-the-art rehabilitation gym to horticulture and mindfulness gardens help resdients make progress. See the campus for yourself to learn more about how we’re mending minds.
1. Security Check Point
We take the safety of our residents very seriously. Security initiatives are in place to protect residents and family members.
2. Administration & Annex
Nexus Neurorecovery Center staff office here. The campus Executive Administrative Assistant offices here to assist families with money management for residents.
3. Windsor
The Windsor Program, a 16-bed Type “B” Assisted Living Facility, is also certified as an Alzheimer’s and other related disorders provider by the Health and Human Services Commission. The program has an immense focus on helping manage patients with behavioral dysregulation by providing them with a safe and prosthetic environment. The unique design of the home also allows for individuals with confusion and post traumatic amnesia to live in a secure space. A high level of support and cuing is provided as well as therapies as ordered.
4. New Genesis
The New Genesis Program, a 16-bed Type “B” Assisted Living Facility, is also certified as an Alzheimer’s and other related disorders provider by the Health and Human Services Commission. It provides an increased level of medical supervision and dependent care. New Genesis also has a unique design and mag-lock system that allows for individuals with confusion and post traumatic amnesia to live in a safe and secure environment.
5. Churchill
The Churchill Program is a 16-bed Type “B” Assisted Living Facility licensed by the Health and Human Services Commission. Churchill provides a next step for residents as they continue to work towards their goals. Programming is directed towards developing functional skills and behavioral stability that lead to increasing levels of independence and quality of life. Physical, occupational, and speech therapies are available as needed.
6. Foot Paths
A network of paths connects buildings and is utilized by our rehab departments to simulate real life experiences. The physical therapy department will take patients on the paths to improve mobility, stamina, balance, coordination, multi-tasking, and attention, while speech therapy will work on patients’ cognition levels as they walk. Vocational therapy uses the paths to go between classrooms and the greenhouse and life care patients are outside on the paths daily.
7. Fishing Pond
Our catch and release pond is home to several specifies of fish, turtles, and ducks, and is utilized by our therapy team to help patients improve mobility, stamina, balance, coordination, multi-tasking, attention, and cognition. This space is also appreciated by families and creates a place for residents to interact with friends and family members.
8. Auto Detailing
Residents learn the process of washing, waxing, and detailing the interiors and exteriors of the company vehicles and staff vehicles. Marketing, promotional, and customer services skills are developed as residents sell the on-campus punch cards and complete paperwork. Outcomes include the enhancement of physical stamina, production speed, attention to detail, and work quality, as the vehicles are valued investments.
9. Rehabilitation Gym
Nexus’ physical therapy services focus on the physical aspects of function relating to each individual patient’s neuromuscular status. Our licensed therapists are extremely experienced and understand the physical and mental challenges a patient may face during the healing process, and we work with patients and families to help each individual achieve his or her optimal physical and functional levels. Residents participate in both one-on-one and group therapy.
Physical Therapy Focus On:
- Motor Learning
- Home and Community Mobility
- Ambulation
- Motor Sequencing
- Balance and Coordination
- Endurance
- Muscle Strengthening
- Head and Trunk Control
- Skill Building Groups
10. Speech-Language Pathology Offices
Nexus’ speech-language therapy helps patients with speech, language, and communication difficulties develop communication skills and tools. Our Speech-Language Pathologists use formal assessments, behavioral observations, family reports, and background information about the patient to determine the severity of the speech and/or language problem. Based upon this information, we design individual programs and carefully evaluate treatment on an ongoing basis in order to make changes as appropriate depending on the patient’s progress.
Speech-Language Therapy Focus On:
- Speech/Language
- Social Communication
- Reading and Writing
- Cognition
- Swallowing
- Skill Building Groups
- Apraxia
- Multi-modal Communication
11. Occupational Therapy Lab
Nexus Neurorecovery Center’s occupational therapy services engaging residents in functional activities to optimize their daily living. A variety of functional tasks are used to target basic activities of daily living and independent living skills. Our licensed therapists aim to provide a patient with the skills needed to achieve independence in all areas of their lives – both cognitive and physical – enhancing a patient’s motor skills while enhancing their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.
Occupational Therapy Focus On:
- Visual Perception
- Self-Care Skills
- Upper Extremity Function
- Fine Motor Coordination
- Community Reentry Skills and Social Behavior
- Cognition
- Reading and Writing Skills
- Sensorimotor Skills
- Skill Building Groups
12. Recreational Room
Individual and group recreational therapy takes place during the programming day, and is led by Nexus recreational therapists and our campus activities coordinator. Impromptu events, as well as activities posted on our monthly activity calendar, may also take place in this room.
13. Gift Shop
Nexus Neurorecovery Center’s gift shop is open Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and it is primarily run by residents. Staff, family, visitors, and select residents may utilize the gift shop to make purchases, including resident-made crafts like paracord, screened t-shirts, and bird houses. The gift shop teaches skills required in a retail and/or customer service enterprises. Residents operate the cash register, handle money, arrange merchandise, mark prices, and maintain cleanliness. They also learn how to order products and maintain inventory, and at the end of each business day, they account and reconcile the cash with register sales.
14. Testing Office
Neuropsychological screenings, assessments, and scoring are available, and residents can take computer based or self-administered assessments. Vocational testing is also conducted and used to establish whether an individual has vocational rehabilitation potential. Testing involves batteries, work samples, and situational assessments, including the resident’s interests, aptitudes, scholastic abilities, transferable skills, vocational assets and limitations, work behaviors, and potential career options.
15. Counseling Offices
Individual and family counseling is available with licensed staff members.
16. Yoga
The yoga classroom helps the brain and body heal. Offered as part of our Integrative Neurorehabilitation™ program, residents report improved sleep and energy, decreased anxiety and stress, and overall greater calmness.
17. Cognitive Classrooms
Classrooms are used for a variety of purposes, including cognitive therapy programming. Both transitional and life care patients participate in the cognitive groups led by Nexus’ licensed staff. While group activities and discussions are constantly changing, topics for our life care group typically focus on how to improve quality of life and enjoy life on campus, while topics for our transitional group center around returning to home and moving forward after an injury and illness.
Cognitive Therapy Groups Include:
The yoga classroom helps the brain and body heal. Offered as part of our Integrative Neurorehabilitation™ program, residents report improved sleep and energy, decreased anxiety and stress, and overall greater calmness.
This group addresses some of the major areas of health and wellness, educating participants and providing discussion regarding their normal health routine. Topics included within Healthy Living are: Monday: Reducing stress, receiving support from family/friends, thinking positively, and mindfulness; Wednesday: Nutrition, hydration, self-management, information processing, and stress management; Friday: Sleep strategies, stretching, nutrition, and exercise.
Memory is one of the most commonly affected cognitive functions of the brain after an acquired brain injury. This group provides information on memory (types of memory, what a memory really is, why it is important), as well as how and why it is affected after injury. Internal and external strategies, including compensatory strategies, are also implemented to increase retrieval and memory.
Social skills are a large part of human interactions, and having the ability to adapt to social situations is imperative. In this group, facilitators discuss the importance of social skills and give examples of where are they used (i.e. how to ask for help, subtle cues, body language, family interaction, in the community/job environment).
Scheduled as the first group of the day, participants are transitioning from their homes to begin programming for the day. In this group, each participant’s schedule is reviewed for the day, previous evening’s activities are discussed, and uplifting, recent news stories are shared.
Teaching the importance of relaxation in everyday life, Relaxation incorporates mindfulness into activities and ways to relax. This group includes hands-on experiences such as guided meditation, mindful eating/drinking, and yoga. The group discusses ways each prefers to relax, and facilitators offer suggest modes of relaxation, including deep breathing, mediation, yoga, art therapy, aroma therapy, exercise, and leisure activities. This group is especially beneficial for persons who have or currently experience challenges with anger management, anxiety attacks, cardiac health, depression, general well-being, headache, high blood pressure, compromised immune systems, insomnia, pain management, stress management, and addiction.
This group raises awareness of how an injury can alter one’s perspective and social skills. The goal is to return patients to his or her highest level of independence, by identifying areas in which they can improve.
Music and movement are very important in everyday life. When the two come together, they can strengthen neuropathways and aid in overall movement and speech. In this group, movement patterns are thoughtfully performed and participants are encouraged to enjoy music, as they strengthen, stretch, and engage in a full-body activity.
Solving problems is an everyday skill that takes thought and multiple-step reasoning. There are many ways to approach situations, both new and familiar. The group may work together or independently to solve a common problem or problem solve scenarios where a difficult situation may arise. Reactions to the problem are the pivotal point, and tools to use when responding in a healthy way are shared and learned to better tackle real-world issues.
After a traumatic injury, family roles often shift dramatically and may not return to how they were pre-injury. This group discusses who the family system involves (immediate family, distant family, friends, co-workers, etc.), how the dynamics may have shifted, and where this change may affect the individuals involved. This group may also discuss what has changed, why it has changed, and how to communicate with the participant’s support system to work together.
An occupational therapy led group that meets three times a week. Wednesday focuses on functional math and money management as well as safety, Thursday focuses on meal planning and food purchasing in the community, and Friday is meal preparation, safety implementing, and consuming.
This group is specifically for our Spanish-speaking residents. The focus of discussion is brain function, education, and well-being. The facilitator is equipped with information from therapists, as well as literature about various neurological diseases. The participants provide group support, if needed, allowing each other to share and discuss, per his or her level of comfort. All conversations remain confidential, unless agreed upon otherwise.
This therapy group is for people who have either previously utilized/abused substances, or for those who have discussed/displayed wanting to rely on substances once returned to home. The group discusses the struggles of substances, how to alter their home environment, and other coping mechanisms that could be implemented.
Different Nexus facilitators lead this group to explain how their job relates to the participants and obtain feedback on new ideas. The facilitators will talk about Nexus, answer questions, and find answers to questions they don’t know.
Other Programs Include:
This “white collar” program prepares residents to return to business world, and reinforces entrepreneurial practices. This program strengthens cognitive skills, problem solving, creative thinking, attention to detail, concentration, and basic reading, writing and math skills.
This program educates residents about how to utilize an industrial machine and to clean and properly maintain interior spaces. Residents train in safety awareness and improve physical stamina, cognitive skills, attention to detail, production speed, and work quality, as well as basic reading, math, reasoning, and sequencing skills.
With access to hundreds of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) service manuals, this program allows residents to study, learn, and produce information from 2-dimensional drawings into 3-dimensional products. This program is designed to be a test of skills including visual-spatial, problem solving, fine and gross finger manipulation, reasoning, creativity, memory, attention to detail, concentration, gross motor movement, and analytical skills.
18. Peaceful Habits
Residents learn peaceful habits to support further healing. Aromatherapy, breathwork, and other holistic modalities are taught and practiced in this space to help individuals manage stress and pain.
19. Crafts Room
The crafts room provides opportunities for residents to explore creativity through artistic hand-made crafts. The creative experience improves hand-eye coordination, fine and gross finger manipulation, upper body strength and stamina, cognitive, reasoning, and sequencing skills. The psychological component include the resolution of conflicts, development of interpersonal skills, management of behaviors, reduced stress, and increased self-esteem and awareness.
20. Screen Printing Room
Residents are taught the art of silk screening designs that go on various articles of clothing, like t-shirts. This activity enhances upper body strength, overall physical stamina, production speed, attention to detail, and work quality. Teamwork is required as the production can be halted if the pace is not kept. The residents taste the environment of deadlines and delivery dates. Marketing, promotional, and customer service skills – including taking orders, post sales, process payments, and complete paperwork – are developed.
21. Healing Annex
Residents learn more about holistic therapy approaches that can supplement existing rehabilitation and support overall wellness and recovery.
22. Meditation Garden
The new 1,000-square-foot meditation garden is where patients who participate in the Integrative Neurorehabilitation™ program begin with deep breathing exercises called Pranayama before going into guided meditation to improve mindfulness. This therapy also helps with cognitive function and evokes a parasympathetic/sympathetic balance.
23. Greenhouse
Activities in the greenhouse including landscaping, ground maintenance, and gardening. Nexus’ 4,000 square foot greenhouse and two shaded houses are central to this program. Both classroom instruction and hands-on training to promote skills to improve physical stamina, cognitive skills, safety awareness, attention to detail, production speed, work quality, and interpersonal skills.
24. Vocational Classroom
Utilized primarily for horticulture group. The vocational classroom provides a space for further education for residents to be in their vocational endeavors.
25. Morgan Building/Activity Center
This building houses the activity center and life care program during the day. Vocational testing also takes place here with certified vocational testing equipment.
26. Ampitheater
Special events, music performances, and movie showings are held here. The amphitheater is also utilized for therapeutic purposes and some classes are held here as well. Families also use this space for visiting.
Nexus Neurorecovery Center also offers off-campus, community-based living in our Janus home and apartments.
Nexus Neurorecovery Center is a weapon-free campus.
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