Caught Up in Caring
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Healthcare is always changing, which is why Nexus stays up-to-date on trends and innovations. Here, we share news from the Nexus network, tips for caregivers and patients, and updates from the fields of medicine, mental health, and behavioral health.

medically complex child with caregiver

Self-care tips for caregivers of medically complex children »

Have you heard the phrase, “You can’t pour from an empty cup?” It essentially means that to effectively take care of others, you have to take care of yourself. But caregivers of children with complex medical conditions (CMC) or children…

Patient in a hospital bed in a transitional care unit

What is a transitional care unit? »

Most people are familiar with the ER or ICU, but have you ever wondered where patients can go once they’re stable? One of the most important stages of hospital recovery occurs in the transitional care unit — also known as…

young girl in a hospital bed with a teddy bear

3 respiratory care tips for caregivers   »

It’s easy to take respiratory wellness for granted. Breathing is, after all, controlled by the autonomic nervous system, meaning it requires no thought or effort. When a life-altering injury or serious illness affects a loved one’s ability to breathe, however,…

medically complex patient

Here’s how to find help for a medically complex child »

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) identifies “complex patients” as those with complex healthcare needs, multiple chronic conditions, many medications, multiple providers, frequent hospitalizations, and limited abilities1. They noted there are factors that contribute to patient complexity, from age and…

Residential treatment for at-risk youth

How to talk to your at-risk youth about residential treatment »

For more than a decade, mental, behavioral, and substance abuse disorders have been on the rise among young people. The COVID-19 pandemic only added to increasing instances of persistent sadness and hopelessness, as well as suicidal thoughts and behaviors1. For…

The physical and mental healthcare divide in the U.S.

Bridging the mental and physical healthcare divide in the U.S. »

Clinical psychologist Kristin Canavera, PhD, MBE, explained at the inaugural Nexus Changing Care Together Summit, “We’re finally at a point in history where we’re recognizing that mental health is health.” This transformation is long overdue. Research dedicated to analyzing the…

How cognitive therapy supports brain injury rehabilitation

How cognitive therapy supports brain injury rehabilitation »

Catastrophic neurological injuries leave a lasting impact on the body and mind. After sustaining a brain or spinal cord injury, some patients have trouble balancing, moving their limbs, speaking, seeing, and hearing. In addition to physical impairments, cognitive deficits in…

How excessive screen time affects mental health

The connection between excessive screen time and mental health issues »

Many parents and guardians have asked at one point or another, “How do I get my teen off their phone?” The same goes for any technology addiction, from playing video games to watching videos on tablets to interacting on social…

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