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Healthcare is always changing, which is why Nexus stays up-to-date on trends and innovations. Here, we share news from the Nexus network, tips for caregivers and patients, and updates from the fields of medicine, mental health, and behavioral health.

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Integrated child psychiatry and medical care

Top 3 benefits of a psychiatry program with integrated medical care »

If your child sustained a traumatic injury as the result of a car accident, the need for medical care would be obvious. Broken bones, damaged organs, and lacerations have visible effects that can’t be ignored. But what if your child…

Inpatient Prader-Willi Syndrome Program

6 tips for staying healthy after a Prader-Willi Syndrome program »

For children and adolescents with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), inpatient programs can be life-changing. They offer structured, supportive environments in which patients can shed pounds through controlled diets, physical training regimens, medical interventions, and behavioral therapies. After successfully completing a child…

childrens hospital patient room

Nexus Children’s Hospital – Dallas Announces Grand Opening »

Nexus Health Systems, a network of inpatient specialty care hospitals and residential campuses, announced today the grand opening of its Dallas location. The new hospital will care for infants, children, adolescents and young adults with debilitating injuries and conditions, such…

residential room rehabilitation center

Nexus Neurorecovery Center – San Antonio Announces Grand Opening »

Nexus Health Systems, a network of inpatient specialty care hospitals and residential campuses, announced today the grand opening of its San Antonio location. The new center will care for adolescents with brain or spinal cord injury, as well as those…

Brain injury patient rehabilitating in occupational therapy

Neuropsychological testing supports best practices in patient care »

Neuropsychological testing focuses on intelligence, attention, memory, language, mood, and personality — to list a few areas. Through these assessments, neuropsychologists assess how the brain functions and identifies strengths and areas of dysfunction. The findings can help make accurate diagnoses,…

Children with PWS playing a dance game in physical therapy

Structured nutrition for pediatric patients struggling with childhood obesity and Prader-Willi Syndrome »

Children with established weight control problems, including childhood obesity and Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), often need a safe, structured environment to help them reach weight loss and general health and wellness goals. Offering a welcoming, home-like setting, Nexus Children’s Hospital’s Jump…

Child with PWS playing games

Strategies for living with Prader-Willi Syndrome »

For individuals living with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), health problems often go beyond weight gain and maintenance. PWS is a rare genetic disorder that can cause learning and behavioral issues in addition to health problems related to obesity and weight gain.…

Family standing together at a hospital

Motivated by family: Connie Gardner’s return to what matters most after acquired brain injury »

Just ten days after giving birth to her first child, Silas, by c-section, Connie Gardner began to experience a tremendous headache. Just moments after handing Silas over to her husband, Matt, Connie abruptly became unresponsive.  Connie had suffered an acquired…

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