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Ashley Crowell, New Directions Program, Nexus Children's Hospital
Ashley Crowell, New Directions Program, Nexus Children's Hospital

Nexus Champion
Ashley Crowell

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“ She made improvements in her activities of daily living and became very receptive to verbal feedback and direction. ”
Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Inpatient treatment for complex medical conditions combined with severe autism and other developmental disabilities

Individuals in the New Directions program need just that — a new path forward; a new option to help navigate challenging behaviors, significant medical requirements, physical impairments, and intricate communication needs. After having exhausted all other services available, families of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, are looking for a program to help improve their love one’s life and wellbeing. Through structured curriculum in a safe surrounding, New Directions offers an integrated approach to learning — one where the patient gains a multitude of skills and confidence.

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