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Patient working in cognitive therapy

Interdisciplinary approach to patient care

A recent white paper, To Solve Complex WC Claims, this New Model Takes an Interdisciplinary, Proactive Approach to Care, explains “treatment is often siloed into discrete products, resulting in disjointed, misaligned care…”. The author, One Call, a leading provider of specialized solutions to the workers’ compensation industry, explains a fragmented approach does not actually address patient needs or provide clear clinical outcomes to strive for.

Nexus Health Systems agrees, which is why an interdisciplinary care approach has always been central to Nexus Health Systems’ offerings.

Our medical team has found that treatment can be disorganized or even contradictory without an integrated method. All cases from workers’ comp to insurance-based referrals benefit when our multidisciplinary team develops individualized treatment plans and addresses the variety of interpersonal, behavioral, cognitive, physical, and emotional challenges together.

In fact, our interdisciplinary care approach mirrors the One Call® CarePath™ model in many ways:

Engage All Stakeholders

Communication is key — and not just important for patients and family members, but also case managers, providers, insurance/claim adjusters and workers’ compensation carriers. Anyone who is integral in the care process should be part of the discussion and well-informed as it relates to objectives and treatment.

Evidence-Based Care Tailored to the Individual

One Call states, “Using evidence-based guidelines also brings some standardization to the approach for specific injury categories. Though care plans can be tweaked to meet the unique needs of each patient, a standard approach provides a starting point.” At our facilities, evidence-based therapy and medical treatment guide our decisions and help us reach specific, targeted outcomes with patients and residents.

Improving Quality of Life

Our mission directly relates to this CarePath™ characteristic. We strive to return patients to lives of productivity and meaning. And doing so is integral to emotional healing. As a team, we identify factors that could be hindering a patient or resident’s quality of life to ensure the individual’s experience can be positive and successful.

Working Toward Functional Outcomes

Whether an individual is a workers’ compensation case or insurance-based referral, our interdisciplinary team sets functional goals and works with the person to reach them, so they can live a meaningful life. The article explains, “Each injury pathway has its own clinical measures and outcomes. So, if you’re talking about chronic pain, we’re looking at morphine equivalency doses, and we are getting these patients off the opioids.” The point of outcomes is to progress an individual to a place where he or she can live in a least restrictive environment and live comfortably in whatever capacity has been set by his or her family and medical team.

A primary way you’ll notice our interdisciplinary approach is through our neurocontinuum of care. We provide patients and residents continuity of care across our facilities: Nexus Children’s Hospital, Nexus Specialty Hospital, and Nexus Neurorecovery Center. This enables us to follow patients and residents as they progress to least restrictive environments. Because we find collaboration only improves care, our physicians and therapists are in constant communication with each other and stakeholders.

Additionally, our medical team meets weekly for team and family conferences. Gathering as an interdisciplinary team, we have found patient and family satisfaction is greater and the needs of patients and their families are better met. At the conference, individual goals are discussed in conjunction with clinical goals to prepare the patient for an optimal discharge. Our conferences may include members from our medial team, respiratory care, rehabilitation, wound care, infection control, nursing, dietary, and case management, so the team can gain a full picture of the patient or resident’s progress.

This interdisciplinary approach takes the entire individual in view to determine the best collaboration of care to meet specific outcomes. Since 1992, Nexus Health Systems has been following this method by offering holistic care. Through our clinical expertise and unique model, we have helped tens of thousands of patients and residents. Learn more about our approach here.

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