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Occupational therapy helping patients regain confidence to function and live life enjoyably
Gaining skills to complete daily activities, improve cognitive function, and strengthen mobility
When a person sustains a severe injury or develops a serious illness, the initial treatment that follows can feel like a blur of waiting rooms and surreal conversations with clinicians. What happens once your child has stabilized? For many, rehabilitation is the next step on the road to recovery, and part of that phase is occupational therapy.
Taking a personalized approach, Nexus develops our goals with our patient’s lifestyle, support system, and preferences in mind. We help individuals develop necessary skills to brush their teeth, make meals, do the laundry, as well as skills to help them enjoy leisure activities and hobbies too.
Rehabilitation, including occupational therapy, is vital to improving quality of life and decreasing the burden of caregivers. For those reasons and more, Nexus is mending minds.
What is Occupational therapy?
Occupational therapists deploy rehabilitation medicine to focus on improving function of the body so an individual can complete activities of daily living, or ADLs. Evidence-based therapy helps enhance mobility skills, including bed mobility, agility, and balance. Occupational therapy also helps with basic self care like food preparation, money management, housekeeping, telephone use, and time management. Patients and residents also develop skills to interact in the community, shop, and use public transportation. We sometimes take these activities for granted, but after injury or illness, it is of vital importance to regain the skills necessary for living a fulfilled life.
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