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Vocational therapy helping restore independence through meaningful rehabilitation
Real world environment challenging individuals so they’re job ready after serious injury or illness
After surviving a serious injury or illness, rehabilitation is the typical next step — and for individuals who have a goal of returning to work, vocational therapy is vital. In conjunction with all other therapies, vocational therapists help adults redevelop skills to use daily to perform work independently.
Nexus believes each person has the right to live and work in an environment that provides the greatest degree of independence and highest quality of life possible. Each person participating in vocational therapy receives a comprehensive vocational assessment to determine a customized treatment plan consistent with their unique interests, capabilities, and short and long-term goals. From there, Nexus offers on-campus job readiness training, community re-entry training, return to work planning personal social adjustment training (PSAT), supported employment, and other services with the goal of returning to competitive, meaningful employment – because we’re mending minds.
What is vocational therapy?
Vocational therapy enhances physical endurance, cognitive skills, positive worker traits, and marketable skills, while complementing the goals set forth by the physical, occupation, and speech therapies. Usually staged in seven real-world work environments, individuals follow directions, interact with coworkers and supervisors, assess quality of work standards, solve problems, and clock in-out while following assigned shifts, all efforts rewarded financially. This therapy helps enhance an individual’s independent living skills so they can find success in a job.
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