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Nexus has provided post-acute spinal cord injury care for more than three decades. Here, we share insights from the field, tips for caregivers and patients, and news related to spinal cord injury from the Nexus network.

Child in hospital bed sleeping

3 respiratory care tips for caregivers »

It’s easy to take respiratory wellness for granted. Breathing is, after all, controlled by the autonomic nervous system, meaning it requires no thought or effort. When a life-altering injury or serious illness affects a loved one’s ability to breathe, however,…

Child in wheelchair in rehabilitation gym

Approaching pediatric spinal cord injuries with empathy and understanding »

There are more than 17,000 new reported spinal cord injury cases in the U.S. each year.  According to the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA), approximately 20% of these occur in children and adolescents, most commonly as a result of motor…

Patient walking up steps

Treating bladder and bowel disruption after brain injury and spinal cord injury »

Urinary and bowel control issues occur when there is a disruption in information communicated between the brain and the areas of the body that control bladder and bowel function.

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